Birmingham based producer and Night Tracks favourite Venture has got bored of not putting out bare tunes, so, luckily for you, decided to put out bare tunes in the form of the self-released album/compilation, Once Upon A Dream.
Now whilst I'm fortunate enough to know that Venture is a dangerous and violent criminal in real life, his tunes don't reflect that. Listening to them, you'd think he exists in a permanent dream state, with ethereal pads floating over interesting drums punctuated by occasional distant vocals.
For what it's worth, Girl From Venus is a favourite of mine, a melancholy, tech-y piece of minimal DnB, but the rest of the album is solid, with a couple of remixes on there too, but you'll find the times where he ventures (no pun intended) into ambient and jungle in his own inimitable style impressive too. What d'you know... there's also a collab with me on there too.
To further the Night Tracks connection, the artwork was created by our very own Kelle.
Check it out on his Bandcamp page, and pass him a few pennies, as it's a pay what you like release.