
(NC001) J A B U/Killing Sound - Live At The Tape-Echo Studio/Real Love

Tape Echo badman Neka recently got in touch to me and pointed out that a cassette-only label, No Corner, had popped up, and to check out their first release, a double-sided affair from J A B U and Killing Sound.

So I hit play on the preview. Got to admit, I wasn't expecting much when I saw that the A-side was a live recording of J A B U when they were on the Tape Echo radio show in June, but within seconds I was blown away. Listened to the rest and immediately I knew I was gonna have to pick up a cassette player. It really is that good. Check out a preview:

Shifting, murky beats that serve as a great intro to their work (and there's even a guest vocal appearance from Kahn).

The B-side is equally interesting, a 16 minute post-apocalyptic symphony from Killing Sound, consisting of J A B U, El Kid and Vessel. It's a deep cavernous, distopyian piece that fans of Rhythm & Sound/Basic Channel will be interested in.

Check it out:

This was in an edition of 50, and I've got one of them, and honestly, don't miss out on what is one of the best pieces I've heard all year. Cassette players are pretty cheap now too. 

Pick it up from the No Corner store.