Endless Plains have moved away from Burial-inspired broken garage for their second release courtesy of Deity & Camu, two guys from what seems to a burgeoning scene of tribal dubstep, spearheaded by the likes of TMSV, the Netherlands.
As I previously mentioned, it's a momentary turn away from the melancholy garage led releases from Endless Plains, but it still retains that disparate, apocalyptic vibe, perhaps moreso than the Long For and Broken Memories, if not in name alone.
"The City Will Crumble"is a perfect introduction to those that haven't heard any of Deity or Camu's tunes before, tight, sparse, tribal drums that bounce around inside your head, all held down by the glue of purely tectonic bass that is meant to be felt, not heard.
"The Earth Shall Rumble" takes things darker, before, around the minute mark, the track immediately tries to fit in more drums than scientists previously thought possible. Imagine a demon had possessed your copy of Crash Bandicoot 1, and twisted the soundtrack into something straight menacing, and you'll have a good idea of what to expect.
Endless Plains clearly have a vision, and they're sticking to it, but it's good to see that they've been able to do this by pushing three very different releases, and it's something I hope they can keep up.
Grab it as a free download over on their Bandcamp page now.