
LOL Part 2. Not So Much LOLs

After yesterday's post about the attempted piracy of Night Tracks releases (which are of course as free as you want them to be), I dug a little deeper to see how far this goes.

I searched google for Venture's album, Night Tracks and lo and behold, the results were full of links to sites offering downloads of an album you could have in a higher quality for free. This irked me a little, but I guess it's inevitable in today's age of instant gratification, but I was willing to let it slide. Sure, I was missing out on exposure for my site, and therefore the artists involved in current or future releases, but like I said, it's inevitable.

Then I came across a site that is currently charging for one of Night Tracks' releases. I won't give them the traffic by linking to their page. Is it really too much to ask that you visit the site and maybe find some more music you like, in return for an album that people put in a hell of a lot of work to give to you for as much as you want to pay? I don't even ask for an e-mail address in return for said album.

Anyway, I'll try and put this right. LONG.