Big up to Night Tracks' favourite EPLP, who takes a turn to the 4x4 on this free download courtesy of Hot N Heavy.
Normally, a talented electronic producer turning to 4x4 would have me shaking my head in disappointment, but fuck all the cookie cutter wastemen trying to make music that was stale 15 years ago, and look to people like EPLP, who, whilst he hasn't entirely abandoned the sound you might know him for, is taking a different direction.
His vocal work is still second to none. If only there was more of this in clubs, and less kids with empty backpacks, they might be a bit more appealing.
Thanks to all involved for the free download. For what it's worth, this isn't EPLP's only tune dropping today, as he, along with the likes of Fedbymachines, also has a remix on Lunova Labs' release, Burden & Holding On.